Friday, May 29, 2015

Venture into Wonderland. With a little faith. Without braces.

Today, can be considered a good day. The clock's ticking ...tick...tock...tick....tock... It was late in the night, and i'm lying in my bed, trying to get into deep slumber, with my eyes widely opened, swollen. Indeed, i just cant sleep without writing down these.
I'm just done with Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom , crying of course, but i guess no one can really be done with Albom's books. Emptiness is not tangible, some said; at the darkest moment of a silent night, one can actually touch the emptiness in one's heart. The emptiness after a loss one, which could never be replaced. The emptiness having a loss cause, which could never be saved.

Alice in Wonderland is one the most famous children's everlasting tale. I, however shamefully, have to admit i haven't had the slightest notion of what the story was telling about. And thus, i took the trouble to print out the whole story and read it. It was insane indeed. I doubt i can find another man printing out so many page, using up the precious printer ink, for a child's bedtime story. Evanna Lynch, or Luna Lovegood would says love is unconditional, and neither love is needy nor demading. Curious and love the awe, the strangeness and the uniqueness in each being. So, it's okay to be weird...

The BigBadWolf Bookfair is back in JB again this year. The books were really cheap i could hardly believe that i couldnt even find a Roald Dahl's book at the children's corner, let alone a Roald Dahl's Book boxset (》《). Nevermind that, i had my braces taken off, so this is me talking (writing) with my nice smile and the (troublesome) retainer.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Magic, Fantasy and Transcendence

At the age of 11, by chance of the inexplicably inevitable fate, I picked it up for the first time, the very first time. Later, I flipped through it for umpteen times and resolved to indulge in that fascinating world again at 17 before i enter college Both the NUMBERs mark the remarkably significant moments of a man's journey in both world; and in hope that 19 years later, i will still remember every touching details that made the world cry with me. The pride of being a potterhead definitely filled me with the same balm as phoenix song, Jo. Euphoria might be over in years to come, but the sheer excitement of it -the names of familiar characters, the story and Hogwarts- shall never cease...

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