I'm on long road trip. Not alone, but i guess one can be alone, if he wants to, no matter he's alone or with somebody else. At times, when he has someone along on the trip, he's lucky, that he could switch between those two alternatives. This would most probably be the longest road trip i ever had in my life (from Johor Bahru, Malaysia to Hatyai, Thailand and back to Johor Bahru again). Covering more than 800 miles, i was indeed frequently switching between those two alternatives. At the articular moment, i was in the so-called lonely mood. Quite helpful to one's mind, i suppose, especially in stimulating one to think and write.
Long road trips, may be healthy. Mind-friendly, it makes one calm and relax, then slowly languor and be nonchalant. The television on board is showing the latest Fast & Furious series with the unrecognizable audio ad annoying sound effects playing in the background. I watched it a few months ago, so i wasn't interested in watching it again. The light of TV screen was too glaring and i got irritated. (Imagine yourself, trying to get some sleep, and u have deafening bomb explosions, the sound of men shouting, girls shrieking, and race car speeding, all screaming at your eardrum in a chaotic manner, who wouldn't?!!)
Cross country midnight trip does more than the common daily road trip in spurring us on, seeing things we don't normally pay attention at. It was a starry night, but the stars are hardly spotted , as the clouds thickens over the carbon sky. ( And i really miss the night sky, which was thoroughly covered by unknown constellations, back then during the PLKN days.) The sky tinted with a hint of crimson at the northward side, the portent of the forthcoming rain, looked ominous. From afar, i could see urban lights from the expressway. How many more times will i experience such a lovely lonely night on a coach in the next two years alone? I guess, it's time for me to learn -as though i have not enough things to learn- to love long road trips.

I'm on long road trip. Not alone, but i guess one can be alone, if he wants to, no matter he's alone or with somebody else. At times, when he has someone along on the trip, he's lucky, that he could switch between those two alternatives. This would most probably be the longest road trip i ever had in my life (from Johor Bahru, Malaysia to Hatyai, Thailand and back to Johor Bahru again). Covering more than 800 miles, i was indeed frequently switching between those two alternatives. At the articular moment, i was in the so-called lonely mood. Quite helpful to one's mind, i suppose, especially in stimulating one to think and write.
Long road trips, may be healthy. Mind-friendly, it makes one calm and relax, then slowly languor and be nonchalant. The television on board is showing the latest Fast & Furious series with the unrecognizable audio ad annoying sound effects playing in the background. I watched it a few months ago, so i wasn't interested in watching it again. The light of TV screen was too glaring and i got irritated. (Imagine yourself, trying to get some sleep, and u have deafening bomb explosions, the sound of men shouting, girls shrieking, and race car speeding, all screaming at your eardrum in a chaotic manner, who wouldn't?!!)
Cross country midnight trip does more than the common daily road trip in spurring us on, seeing things we don't normally pay attention at. It was a starry night, but the stars are hardly spotted , as the clouds thickens over the carbon sky. ( And i really miss the night sky, which was thoroughly covered by unknown constellations, back then during the PLKN days.) The sky tinted with a hint of crimson at the northward side, the portent of the forthcoming rain, looked ominous. From afar, i could see urban lights from the expressway. How many more times will i experience such a lovely lonely night on a coach in the next two years alone? I guess, it's time for me to learn -as though i have not enough things to learn- to love long road trips.

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