Wednesday, April 22, 2015

要, 勇敢。努力。坚持。

她即将再次与我们告别,即将再次离开 这个曾是多么的熟悉,几度离别后开始有点不太一样,但回来"温古"又"知新"的当儿,有些小小却让人满意的文化震撼 的家乡。

她的童年,在大她一载的兄长都离乡出城打拼中,和父母相依度过。少年时光,他和她和他们,漫游在青春洋溢的文艺歌声里。年少轻狂时,她离开了她的故乡,独自遨游世界八方,一步一脚印地完成每个人的梦想-环游世界。 而立初期,在自定义的罗曼迪克下他和她再度重逢;他出去寻找通往幸福的道路,她是他背后最大的精神支柱。不惑之年,他们都离开了故乡家乡,到往未知的南方国度展开下半辈子的未知冒险。



再次相遇,可能是几个月后,若干年后的事了。放在心上,继续往前走。我会记得你在某个深夜里,陪我赖在床上聊天谈那些有的没的,对我说到: 真正的强大,并不是不会哭;而是留着眼泪,泛着泪光,继续往前冲。

她喜欢突然放下离开日常规律那种心境;而再多两天,她将再次踏上飞机,飞往熟悉的未知南方国度, 再次体验回到本来的生活岗位那心境。那两种心境,正是所谓的"旅行的意义"吧~! 放心,我们明年见。我相信,有故乡,家乡,组屋和家的她和他,会很幸福的。^^ ByeBye.SeeYou.

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

介意, 已经不介意的是...

以为自己早已经忘了, 不在意那份奖项了, 怎知道... 那是个打从我知道有那种奖项后, 一直努力前进的目标之一。虽知道是因种族因素而失去, 而获奖者则是自己其中一个要好的友人,所以以为自己不在意了。毕竟,我得到的奖项远比他人多... 但在最后在颁奖典礼上跑去祝福对方时,才发现,自己那一句"恭喜哦!",是多么没诚意的... ...


posted from Bloggeroid

Pyrotechnical Stupefaction along with Musical Craze

20150329. It's indeed crazy. I thought I was pyrotechnic-ally stunned the day before. I turns out i was totally baffled, overwhelmed with amarathine stupefaction and satisfaction!

That super grand firework display, costing over a million, lasted for more than 20 minutes. It danced ever so lyrically and rhythmically. Such rich kaleidoscopic pyrotechnic artwork unfolding right in front of my eyes, was really unnerving in both good and bad ways. It must be the greatest and the most luxurious firework show Johoreans ever seen in the millennium!Most Malaysian would scarcely believe such gargantuan display of firework ever happened in a developing city like Johor Bahru, and I was so glad that we bother to go there to witness this event. But like i'd said, millions of burning cash, burst into ash.

Ironically, it was the same day. When we Johoreans were celebrating with such extravagance, Singaporeans were mourning. Former Prime Minister, the founding father of Singapore, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew just had his state funeral (国葬)earlier that afternoon. I was saddened when i listened to those eulogies. But, i found it ironic when i was enjoying my night @Grand Bay View of Danga Bay JB. Relishing in the rich motley of endless music, defeaning cheers along with blinding lights that shone bright the carbon sky of the Gold Cost/ Marina Bay Msia is definitely a type of enjoyment in life. ^^
T-ara & Shila Amzah came.

#Burning-cash  #Burst-into-ash