i was so amazed. It's my very first time witnessing a full concert - though it's FOC. I'm so proud to be a Johorean: the lighting was superb, with the overwhelming sound system; It was the the first concert i attended, and it was held in JB.
Uriah See, Zachery See's brother was one of the invited singer. He learnt his music in the same music centre as mine, so, I'm naturally proud too, ha-ha. ( Though sometImes, some of us felt that he's overrated... goodluck for his upcoming EP anyway. )
The concert was supposed to be ending with a forework display. Indeed, it ended with the firework, but i thought t would be just some usual firework show and the ceremony would end in an unceremoniously brief way. in fact, i was, pyrotechnically stunned. The firework display was SOOOO BRILLIANT! It was the biggest and most awesome pyrotechnic display I have ever seen in my life. It was hard to believe that sich ostentatious and extravagant dosplay of firework has been showing in a Malaysia for a three consecutive days, let alone in a small city like JB.
It was said that the finale firework, which is on tomorrow, will be more grand. According to the masters of ceremony, more than 1 million Ringgot is accounted for that pyrotechnic stunt. Im stunned.

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