Friday, October 23, 2015

Theatre Lesson : (Oct'15) Realism - Character Costume Check

Arthur is a Pro-Chinese person, not to the extreme end of it, but I think he would always try to uphold Chinese traditional culture, norms and values at all cost, at least until the end of the play. 

And thus, I designed this costume for Arthur and I will wear something similar for the scene. 
I choose the shirt with different presentations of Dragon on the shirt. This is not a typical Chinese Traditional Samfu for Chinese Male though, as I don't think Arthur would wear such a troublesome costume during his "vacation" to Singapore. Under normal circumstances, Chinese Samfus are only worn during special occasion such as Chinese New Year or the Wedding. Arthur will only wear a shirt with Chinese characters or figures on it during his trip home. he didn't plan to stay for long in Singapore as he still has his business and projects in Shen Zhen, waiting for him to tend to. He would wear a presentable attire at all times, In this play, Arthur will wear the t-shirt with dragon pattern with a black slack pants. He's will make sure he's always on the go, so a nice shirt and a slack pants will make sense I think. 

The front view of the t-shirt I designed.

The back view of the t-shirt

The sides of the t-shirt.

And this is the shirt I got for Arthur 

Arthur in the shirt. 

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