Tuesday, October 30, 2012

FUNDAY @ MINIland... ...2 //22102012

part 2 ^^

in this very post
i'm writing about my favourite place in LEGOland Malaysia
-- the MINIland !!!
i really fell in love with it at my very first glimpse on those small tiny buildings and transport
as well as human, animals and plants
made by stacking up super tiny LEGO...
the scenery there was fantastic, superb, breathtaking, amazing, spellbinding...
i dunno how to describe it...
i was totally mesmerized by its beauty and amazement...
15 billions, you know, how much was it...?
that's the least sum of LEGO to build this MINIland

somewhere in Singapore @ MINIland

Merlion @ MINIland

ME & Eye Of S'pore @ MINIland

KLIA has monorels which would move @ MINIland

aeroplane @ KLIA @ MINIland 
this aeroplane can spin its turbine when we press the button!!

tanjung pelepas, JOHOR @ MINIland

IQBAL HARITH LIANG @ tanjung pelepas MINIland

Taj Mahal, India @ MINIland

ME @ Taj Mahal MINIland

Iqbal Harith Liang and ME @ MINIland
this is 紫京城 & 万里长城
the building is superb!

this 舞龙can move! @ MINIland

Thailand @ MINIland

Vietnam @LEGOland Malaysia

ME - Angkor Wat @ LEGOland Malaysia

Cambodia @ MINIland

Brunei @ MINIland

Bali Island @ MINIland

Philippines  @ MINIland

& ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...

the unknown world [some said it's in POC fantasy world] @ MINIland

--to be continued...
@ another land...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

FUNDAY @ LEGOland Malaysia... ...1 //22102012

it's seriously fun
In my opinion, its better then USS even though it's not so high tech
stacking up more than 15 billions of lego is the most breathtaking one
moreover, the main purpose i visit  LEGOland Malaysia is not to play roller coaster or go for the rides
yet, i'm there to observe the beauty of the  LEGOland
the scorchy hot sun is hanging above us and the heat is almost unbearable
i'm quite happy with the weather as long as it doesn't rain
i like tanned skin too... haha 
it's my first time watching so much lego at one go
catch any glimpse in the LEGOland 
u can see at least a thing made of or theme with LEGO !!!

ME @ funday LEGOland Malaysia

ME and Kenney @ LEGOland Malaysia

Kenney @ LEGOland Malaysia

EC BOYS with teacher @ LEGOland Malaysia

LEGOland tickets + LEGOland Cash [Eating voucher actually]

ME and Iqbal Harith Liang as well as Kenney @ LEGOland Malaysia

LEGOkingdom @ LEGOland Malaysia

on the way to THE DRAGON [roller coaster] @ LEGOland Malaysia

ME and LEGOsoldier @ LEGOland Malaysia

on the way to THE DRAGON [roller coaster] @ LEGOland Malaysia

ME  and Kenney @ LEGOland Malaysia

THE DRAGON [roller coaster] @  LEGOland Malaysia

to the next adventure @  LEGOland Malaysia

to be continue... ... ... ...