Monday, June 6, 2011

吃 BAK ZHANG 咯。。。!

竞 渡 歌(节录)(唐)张建封


这次我只吃到肉粽(bak zhang )。。。


yeah but wuaaaaaaa...!
happy as i can get rid of it but so scare of the operation...( even it is only a small op.)

一个人静静地坐在书房里, 一边等网络线,一面发呆。。。



Saturday, June 4, 2011


Skulduggery Pleasant is the debut novel of Irish playwright Derek Landy, published in 2007. It is the first of the Skulduggery Pleasant novels. The novel crosses the horror, comedy, mystery and fantasy genres.
The story follows the titular character Skulduggery Pleasant, an undead sorcerer and detective, with his partner Stephanie Edgley (Valkyrie Cain), and numerous magic-wielding allies as they try to prevent Nefarian Serpine from unleashing a weapon of terrible power on the world. The book was retitled Sceptre Of The Ancients for the 2009 paperback release in the US and Canada.
It won the coveted Red House Children's Book Award and the Hampshire Book Award in 2007.
The second book, Skulduggery Pleasant: Playing With Fire, third book, Skulduggery Pleasant: The Faceless Ones, fourth book, Skulduggery Pleasant: Dark Days and the fifth book, Skulduggery Pleasant: Mortal Coil, are currently available. Harper Collins Audio also publishes the unabridged CD sets of the books read by Rupert Degas.

Stephanie Edgley's novelist uncle dies, leaving her his vast mansion and the royalties from his best-selling books. At the reading of the will, a strange man in a tan overcoat, a hat, sunglasses and a scarf is present, who is left a piece of advice, along with Fergus and Beryl, Stephanie's none-too-liked aunt and uncle. Stephanie's aunt and uncle are given something as well: a seemingly useless brooch, a boat, and a car, which they both do not want. Spending a night alone in the mansion, Stephanie is attacked by a strange man, demanding she gives him a "key". As the man attacks Stephanie, the mysterious man in the tan overcoat from Gordon's funeral, known as Skulduggery Pleasant, arrives and saves her, throwing a fireball and then shooting the attacker. Skulduggery's disguise of a hat, wig and sunglasses fall off to reveal that he is an undead wizard, made up of only a skeleton held together by magic.
Upon slowly realizing that her uncle was murdered , Stephanie, wanting to escape her previously boring and tedious life, helps Skulduggery investigate his mysterious death. Skulduggery and Stephanie gradually uncover a greater plot for world domination. Stephanie's uncle discovered an ancient weapon used by the first sorcerers, the Ancients, to defeat their tyrannical gods, the Faceless Ones. He sealed this deadly weapon, the Scepter of the Ancients, in a maze beneath the house Stephanie inherited. The "key" is in fact the old, insignificant-looking brooch left by her uncle to his other brother's wife, Beryl.
Stephanie and Skulduggery, aided by Skulduggery's best friend, an immensely strong tailor named Ghastly Bespoke, and English professional swordswoman Tanith Low, attempt to prevent the main antagonist, Nefarian Serpine, from obtaining the Sceptre. Serpine once served under the evil wizard Mevolent who waged a secret war on the wizard community, trying to take over the world. Skulduggery opposed Mevolent in this war several hundred years ago, when he was still alive. He became ensnared in a trap by Serpine, his wife and child murdered before his eyes and himself killed after several days' torture. His hate for Serpine allowed him to return from the grave as a skeleton and complete the war.
Now working as a detective and with Stephanie's help, Skulduggery defeats Serpine, destroying him with the Sceptre to protect Stephanie, breaking the Scepter's power in the process. At the conclusion of the novel, Skulduggery offers to take Stephanie on as his assistant and student in sorcery; Stephanie has discovered through the course of the novel's events that her family are descendants of the Ancients and she herself has magic abilities.
There are many similarities to H. P. Lovecraft in the story. The Faceless Ones are likely inspired by the Great Old Ones of Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos and Lovecraft actually gets a mention by Skulduggery saying that his stories were inspired by myths about the Faceless Ones. Serpine also uses Lovecraft's name as an alias.Stephanie Edgley's novelist uncle dies, leaving her his vast mansion and the royalties from his best-selling books. At the reading of the will, a strange man in a tan overcoat, a hat, sunglasses and a scarf is present, who is left a piece of advice, along with Fergus and Beryl, Stephanie's none-too-liked aunt and uncle. Stephanie's aunt and uncle are given something as well: a seemingly useless brooch, a boat, and a car, which they both do not want. Spending a night alone in the mansion, Stephanie is attacked by a strange man, demanding she gives him a "key". As the man attacks Stephanie, the mysterious man in the tan overcoat from Gordon's funeral, known as Skulduggery Pleasant, arrives and saves her, throwing a fireball and then shooting the attacker. Skulduggery's disguise of a hat, wig and sunglasses fall off to reveal that he is an undead wizard, made up of only a skeleton held together by magic.

Upon slowly realizing that her uncle was murdered , Stephanie, wanting to escape her previously boring and tedious life, helps Skulduggery investigate his mysterious death. Skulduggery and Stephanie gradually uncover a greater plot for world domination. Stephanie's uncle discovered an ancient weapon used by the first sorcerers, the Ancients, to defeat their tyrannical gods, the Faceless Ones. He sealed this deadly weapon, the Scepter of the Ancients, in a maze beneath the house Stephanie inherited. The "key" is in fact the old, insignificant-looking brooch left by her uncle to his other brother's wife, Beryl.
Stephanie and Skulduggery, aided by Skulduggery's best friend, an immensely strong tailor named Ghastly Bespoke, and English professional swordswoman Tanith Low, attempt to prevent the main antagonist, Nefarian Serpine, from obtaining the Sceptre. Serpine once served under the evil wizard Mevolent who waged a secret war on the wizard community, trying to take over the world. Skulduggery opposed Mevolent in this war several hundred years ago, when he was still alive. He became ensnared in a trap by Serpine, his wife and child murdered before his eyes and himself killed after several days' torture. His hate for Serpine allowed him to return from the grave as a skeleton and complete the war.
Now working as a detective and with Stephanie's help, Skulduggery defeats Serpine, destroying him with the Sceptre to protect Stephanie, breaking the Scepter's power in the process. At the conclusion of the novel, Skulduggery offers to take Stephanie on as his assistant and student in sorcery; Stephanie has discovered through the course of the novel's events that her family are descendants of the Ancients and she herself has magic abilities.
There are many similarities to H. P. Lovecraft in the story. The Faceless Ones are likely inspired by the Great Old Ones of Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos and Lovecraft actually gets a mention by Skulduggery saying that his stories were inspired by myths about the Faceless Ones. Serpine also uses Lovecraft's name as an alias...
i read this series of novel,yet,
even that many feels that it is a very good book...
i, personally feels that this book is only a novel for a fun reading...
i don't think that it is necessary to buy it , just borrowing is just enough...! ^^

my VERY VERY 1st time--

i had just had steam egg for tea break,
just three of us, me, popo and traveLING at home.
And that was my presentation.
The main point is, it was prepared by me...
for my VERY VERY first time...hehe!!
i couldn't wait to eat my steam egg while cooking it.
Kind of worrying initially as that was my first time cooking other than instant noodles,
but its has turned out to be far better than my expectations.
Its Yummy!!!

Not to compare with the DON SUSHI japanese STYLE cHawanmushi,
but very much "homecook" taste
which is "Taste of Happiness & Completion".
I shall declared it as our "Heirloom Recipe"
as to be served for any special occasion or
during festive season as it was TOOOOO DELICIOUS....!
it was so smooth and just nice..
not to hard , not to soft....


the steam egg is easy to do...
the ratio of egg to the water added should be 1 : 3...
(1 proportion  of egg to 3 proportion of water)
mix it...
meanwhile put water into a pot (make sure the water doesn't overcome the stand..)
heat it till it boils and put the bowl of egg in...
steam the egg for 8 minutes...
4 minutes in big fire and 4 minutes in small fire...
( do remember to put a plate on top of the bowl of egg to make sure the egg will be smooth...)

Friday, June 3, 2011


少年小樹之歌(The Education of Little Tree)




年小樹之歌(The Education of Little Tree)是一个回忆录式的小说亚撒卡特伯爵Forrest Carter)下写笔名福雷斯特卡特首次出版德拉科特出版社于1976年,该书一直受到好评很多人都被吸引到它的简朴生活,传统邮件,对大自然的热爱然而,少年小樹之歌也受到后,1991年10月4日文章,卡特(历史学教授,亚撒卡特的远亲,出版争论的主题叫“Klansman转型“在纽约时报。本文描述亚撒卡特三K党过去参与。
这部小说产生了电影,拍续集的企图,以及研究生学位论文和学术文章。 1985年,美国新墨西哥大学出版社买了书的权利。已经出售数百万,成功的一个学术出版社的书分发罕见的水平,并荣获年度艾比)奖1991年美国书商协会书。

少年小樹之歌(The Education of Little Tree)对阿甘正传“小树”卡特虚构的回忆录在30年代后期开始的时候,作为主角,他的父母去世,他已交了他的祖父母照顾过切诺基在5岁。这本书最初是被称为“我和爷爷,”根据书中的介绍。一个聪明的孩子的关系与他的苏格兰切诺基祖父,命名为威尔士(与卡特的其他小说重叠)一个男人的故事中心。男孩的切诺基爷爷和切诺基“格拉玛报”称他为“小树”,教导关于自然,农业,威士忌制作,高山生活,社会,爱和精神,一种温柔的指导和经验的鼓励他独立。故事发生在第五位的男孩的生命第十年,他开始认识到在一个偏远的山区空心他的新家。 爷爷运行期间禁止小月光操作。祖父母和游客的空心树,就应该揭露小切诺基的方式和“山地人”的价值观。与外界接触要素,包括“法”,“政治家”,“guv'mint,”城市“雨衣”和“基督徒”的各类添加到小树的教训,每个措辞和吸引人的方式重演。 (句法设备的经常使用的书之一是结束的意见与短词'的,'如启动报表段落“这是合理的。”)国家势力,最终成为一个寄宿学校,他在那里停留了几个月小树。在学校,小树遭受的偏见和对印第安人学校的照顾者的无知和自然世界。小树苗救出时,他的祖父母的母语的美国朋友柳约翰不满,并要求他通知小树从退学。最后,该书的步伐大大加快,其详细的减少;柳约翰和爷爷死于自然的死亡和格拉玛犯后爷爷的和平自杀死亡。小西和工程树头用于食品和住房交换各种农场简要介绍。该书完树后,小的最后伴侣,爷爷的猎犬之一,模具。







1st week of mid-year holiday(2011)[ 2 ]


虽然累,but worth it....!

1st week of mid-year holiday(2011)

中文的是一本翻译小说:生命沙伐旅(Life Safari)。。。
应本的则是本经典文学:The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn ( by Mark Twain )。。。

唉, 为何看书的时间总是在眨眼间溜走了。。?






Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tiger Mums..

We can't deny that frequent anger, defiance and hostile attitudes towards parents and others are common attributes of a growing child or an adolescent.
Yet, small Kids nowadays seems to be more arrogant and rude towards elders.I can tell that as my relatives have kids around the age.
and I can see a lot of those children outside.

Sometimes I can't bear their attitude.

One of the kid of my cousin, is a nasty small boy.
Even he is just a small kid, the parents shouldn't let them "crawl upon their head(s)"...
they just give them what he want and take away what he dislike....
sigh...this is not right....! T.T
This boy is too close and too much to the latest technology...!
His mum gave all kinds of high-tech. appliance and he learn "to much" from the technology....
Yeah...too bad...!(as too many cook spoil the broth ) 
Toooo much bad thing(s)...[violence, bad wordS....!@#$%^&*....]
He is now just like a "Head" of his "gang".... a fear to most of  his same-aged kids....he will threaten the kids to not friend him or bully the boy.... 
Now... he plays tantrums upon his parents if they doesn't satisfied his request 
( just like a DUDLEY ).....haiz...!

Overall, "Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother" will be a good choice to those who are now racking their brains, trying to find a solution on children-educating.
From the website I knew that it is not a book teaching us how to teach children
but it mentioned the how Chinese education differ from the Westerns.

Chinese encourage canning yet western encourage LOVE education
And the main point is I strongly agree about it
the Western children are always spoilt
Although I do not like parents using " violence" in educating children
being strict sometimes is useful, really....

it is true as discipline is the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not ....
it is a prerequisite of learning and teaching environment. a little punishment is necessary and essential. corporal punishment is the easiest and most effective way against the nasty, rebellious and revolting hardcore offence (disobedient children )...

as the saying goes, " spare the rod and spoil the child "....i agreed it, dun u...?

Anyway Is your mum a tiger mother?
HEY , no matter what the answer is, always remember that she will be the person who love you in the world^^

adapted and edited from < dun worry be happy >,
a blog of a friend of mine, 
post on TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


what is a boss...?! then, what is a leader...?!
boss is a men that tell his men what to do,
however, leader is a men that lead his men to do a task...
boss bossy around, leader leads all...

10 prerequisite to differentiate a boss and a leader :
The boss drives his men, the leader coaches them.
The boss inspires fear, the leader inspires enthusiasm.
The boss says " I ", the leader says "We".
The boss assigns tasks, the leader sets the pace.
The boss says "Get here on time!", the leader gets there ahead of time.
The boss fixes blame for the breakdown, the leader fixes the breakdown.
The boss knows how it's done, the leader shows how.
The boss makes work a drudgery, the leader makes it a game.
The boss says "Go!", the leader says "Let's go!"
The boss justifies or lays blame - the leader takes responsibility.
The world needs leaders, but nobody wants a boss.

What are u ....?
a boss or a leader...?





hihi  ^.^