Wednesday, June 1, 2011


what is a boss...?! then, what is a leader...?!
boss is a men that tell his men what to do,
however, leader is a men that lead his men to do a task...
boss bossy around, leader leads all...

10 prerequisite to differentiate a boss and a leader :
The boss drives his men, the leader coaches them.
The boss inspires fear, the leader inspires enthusiasm.
The boss says " I ", the leader says "We".
The boss assigns tasks, the leader sets the pace.
The boss says "Get here on time!", the leader gets there ahead of time.
The boss fixes blame for the breakdown, the leader fixes the breakdown.
The boss knows how it's done, the leader shows how.
The boss makes work a drudgery, the leader makes it a game.
The boss says "Go!", the leader says "Let's go!"
The boss justifies or lays blame - the leader takes responsibility.
The world needs leaders, but nobody wants a boss.

What are u ....?
a boss or a leader...?

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